Ep 22. Building a Better Food System with Jerusha Klemperer (Director, FoodPrint)

Jerusha Klemperer Director FoodPrint The Great Full Podcast

My guest this episode is Jerusha Klemperer, the Director of FoodPrint.org, a media platform dedicated to helping people understand the impact of what they eat on animals, planet and people.
Prior to leading FoodPrint, Jerusha was a Co-Founder of FoodCorps, an organization that works with local communities around the US to serve healthy food in schools, and before that led campaigns at Slow Food USA. She has a 15+ year career working for places with “food” in the title, to support a food system that is better for the planet, more just, more humane and more delicious.

We chat about the lessons Jerusha has learned in her various food roles,  how everyone can contribute towards a more sustainable food system, and how she sees the role of anger, storytelling and inspiration in communicating important issues.

The topics we cover are:

  • How Jerusha started working with food after starting her career as an actor

  • The one book that made her (and me!) aware of the problems in the food system

  • What she learned while working on improving school lunches with Slow Food USA and FoodCorps

  • How to work out what your Foodprint is, and what to do to reduce it

  • How you can start eating more sustainably today

  • The role of anger in advocating for sustainability and change

  • What inspires and motivates Jerusha to stay positive in challenging times

  • The hype around plant-based meat alternatives, its consequences for people and the planet and the critical questions we should be asking

  • Leadership practices that have inspired Jerusha though her work

  • Storytelling and its role in creating change

Resources mentioned in the episode:

Further information:


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